If You Were God?!

If You Were God?!


I’m kidding !!!

Of course, you are not “God”!!

But, the cool thing with 3D characters is that you can create as many different people as you want!!

I just saw a new product this week dedicated to Breast shapes and for a long time I have wanted to write about another amazing artist without finding the right angle: Zev0

I’m always amazed by his creativity and ability to provide us with a very great bunch of morphs or tools to ease our creating life!

How to create your very own reusable morphs:

I will show this technique in Zbrush/DAZ, but it can be done in any modeler or application able to handle morphs.

I will do it with a Genesis 3 Female on a most common morph: Breast

First, load your character exported from DAZ (at Subdivision set to base and at 0 with all shaping morphs set to zero) in Zbrush


Set symmetry « on » and mask the area you want to morph


Go to masking tab and « blur » once or two

Inverse masking to “freeze” the rest of the body


Use the deformation tab and tweak sliders to get the desired result. You can also use the brushes to deform the geometry.


When it is OK to you, Unmask the object, set your subdivision to the lowest level and export


Back to DAZ Studio, load your morph with “Morph loader Pro”,


Click on the little gear on the side of the morph slider and set the right path


Set the right value to Min/Max value, fix the name, type and color,


Once done, click « accept » and save your morph,


Set your name, your product name and select your morph.

Click “accept” and you are done.

Just repeat as many times as necessary to create your own “morph library”


If you want to save time:

You can visit the Zve0 store at DAZ:




Those are a few examples of his products. Everything is created to ease your life and to get the right shape and the best “mood” in your renders.

At the beginning, I was talking about a product I saw:



OK, so you are not God, but you are certainly a great artist

To learn how to get the best with what you have created, here are two amazing trainings:




Fly028 is an accomplished 3D C.G. enthusiast. He has been creating content for DAZ Studio and Poser. Fly028 collaborates with DREAMLIGHT on trainings and content development which he has done for some years now.

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