Got Any Groundbreaking Creative 3D Ideas?


Groundbreaking Creative 3D Ideas and Growing Up Digital

Found some interesting stuff, for example here is an article by Jane Wakefield, BBC Technology reporter, on whether we should be protecting our children from the digital world



The author cited in her article is Don Tapscott who wrote the book Grown Up Digital and is one of the world’s leading authorities on innovation, media, and the economic and social impact of technology and advises business and government leaders around the world.

You can find out about him here: The book is for Baby Boomers or Gen-Xers.

grown_up_digitalHe writes: “For the first time in history, youth are the authorities on something really important. And they’re changing every aspect of our society-from the workplace to the marketplace, from the classroom to the living room, from the voting booth to the Oval Office.”

He is also a founding member of the Global Solutions Networks, which promotes the use of the internet for good. You can find out more here:


Source image:

Hackathon opened Tate Modern exhibit

Sponsored by the BBC and the Arts Council the digital art project The Space is to promote freedom of expression and the combination of art and technology.

An initial commission for The Space was a video showing the brushstrokes made by David Hockney while painting a lily on his iPad, which you can view here:


Most important is the OPEN CALL to all artists for ideas. The deadline for this Open Call is noon, Friday 11 July 2014 GMT. You can be based ANYWHERE in the world.

You are to submit a 300-word description of the idea for initial consideration. They are looking for original, groundbreaking ideas for digital art. For more info go here:, where you can also watch the video.

Source image video:

“Is creating female video game characters too much work?”

I have copied the above from an article by Kim Gittleson, BBC reporter, New York, about sexism in the video games industry. You can find the whole article here:

I am more interested in the paragraph where James Therien, technical director at Ubisoft in Europe states that female characters doubled the work. I wonder if they need help?

Quoting from the same article sourcing data from the Entertainment Software Association, it is interesting to see that the average gamer is 31 years old; 48% of gamers are female (hey that’s almost 50% guys!); 71% of gamers are 18 or older; 53% of gamers play games on their smartphones.

The article also states that there seem to be two types of female those in distress or fierce warriors.

For more from the female point of view you could visit Feminist Frequency created by Anita Sarkeesian, here and Source image:


Melanie Phillibert

Dreamlight Content Management and Support

PS: If you want to Create sexy female figures for DAZ 3D’s Genesis 2 / Victoria 6 platform and create an income on the go, go HERE

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