Dreamlight 3D “I Love You” June Contest 1st Place Win

my first love“My First Love” – Dreamlight 3D June Contest 1st Place Winner – Jennifer Drake (dragon01) 

Dreamlight 3D Monthly Themed Contest…

Jennifer Drake is this month’s contest winner, pulling in the first prize with her cute image entitled, “My First Love.”

We spoke with Jennifer, and she said that this piece was inspired by her  son, who she says is “still very attached to his Pooh Bear.” Although she mentioned that she would perhaps have preferred to do a boy, ”  but girls are sometimes easier to do especially as I was going for the cute toony look.”

Apart from the fact that the image was inspired by her son, Jennifer says that her images, “tend to happen” as opposed to being the result of, “any real planning.” Sounds like creativity to me 😉 She went on to expand on this by saying, “I often find I start with a simple thing and the scene and story seems to grow around it.”

Jennifer explained, “I often start with the pose and then build the scene around the character.  As I wanted this to look Toonish I went with shaders for background props. The shaders are mainly from sets by KhoryD the carpet, walls and woodwork use shaders from her Design Tool Box Bundle. The curtains and bedding are a velvet shader and I put a dotted pattern into the diffuse colour. The bear uses Mariah’s furrify tweaked to get the effect I wanted.”

She went on to say, “Personally I prefer shader presets using Ubersurface than ones from shader builder as I find them a lot more customisable.

The lighting is quite simple, one fill distant light one rim light and Uberenvironment. It’s quite a simple piece so there’s not much I feel I can say about it. The postwork was really quick just a bit of brightening and contrast and then the frame.”

Congrats on your winning piece Jennifer, and thanks for sharing with us 🙂

-Val Cameron/Dreamlight

P.S.Want to participate in our fun gallery contests, with $55 monthly prizes? Then jump into the fun HERE

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One Response to “Dreamlight 3D “I Love You” June Contest 1st Place Win”

  1. john warburton July 19, 2013 at 9:28 pm #

    lovely image!for val – am new to the dreamlight site yet been a desighner for a while! moving to do my own animation for a story am doing! my admissions to the monthly gallery do not seem to get through for any comment and cannot download mod1 or fantasy art: your site is still overloaded! am moving at mo so it could be my fault! keep up the good work! regards john

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