DAZ Studio Time-Lapse Video Of Victoria 7 In The Forest

DAZ Studio Time-Lapse Video Of Victoria 7 In The Forest


Ever since film and video cameras got invented, film makes were fascinated by high speed represenation of what’s happening in front of the camera. If you go really super fast, like 50-100 times faster, then you get an effect called “Time-Lapse”. For instance, useful to how show clouds in the sky fly by in only a few seconds, but representing a few hours of “sky-time”.

In a similar fashion, we’re used to seeing city scapes, with traffic and other effects like an aging flower or beautiful shifts from day to night time. But in this video, I wanted to showcase how an image was made featuring Victora 7 in a forest setting, completely from scratch to final postworked image, using the new exciting Iray render engine.


Isn’t it amazing to see one hour of work condensed into roughly 1 minute!

If you’re looking for the complete step by step tutorials of 4 gorgeous renders of Victoria 7 in a forest setting, then go HERE.


We’re covering various moods, including heroine, scary, mystical (the image above) and tender (top image of this page). Check them out HERE.

Keep tweaking!

– Val Cameron

P.S. If you’re looking for the complete step by step tutorials of 4 gorgeous renders of Victoria 7 in a forest setting, then go HERE.

Happily sharing how to create great 3D & 2D art in DAZ Studio, Lightwave and Photoshop, Val Cameron, CEO and founder of Dreamlight, has been coaching and mentoring hundreds of thousands of artists since 2005. Bestselling DAZ 3D vendor with over 230+ video tutorials, plug ins and light sets.

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4 Responses to “DAZ Studio Time-Lapse Video Of Victoria 7 In The Forest”

  1. Madeleine August 11, 2015 at 11:19 pm #

    I’ll be diving into this soon. Currently watching my way through 2.5D. fascinating. Thank You!

    • Val August 12, 2015 at 9:36 am #

      Hey Madeleine, thank you for your positive feedback, glad you like it!

  2. JeffersonAF August 12, 2015 at 12:42 pm #

    I love his work, his art is fascinating.

    • Val August 12, 2015 at 1:41 pm #

      Thank you so much Jefferson! 🙂

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