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3D Post Work – Post Production Tips


    Source image: 3D Post Work – Post Production Tips I often think that most of the real work comes after you’ve created an image in 3D. I am talking about the process of post-work or post production. In this stage you can seize the chance of correcting or embellishing your image. For […]


How to Build a STRONG 3D Character

0 I am not talking about becoming a great individual that everyone looks up to, I am talking about creating a character that tells you who that person is, just by looking at their face, the pose, how they are dressed. I remember reading this advice: write everything down about the character. This means writing […]


Noah’s Epic Rain & the Demise of Windows XP


Source: Paramount Pictures in : This time we take a speedy ride around the Internet to see what is out there. Noah’s Epic Rain –  Flooding rains controlled by custom iPad App There is an interesting short video on creating the torrential downpour scenes in Darren Aronofsky’s Noah. Something to remember from the video is […]


Featured Artist Marcos DK Prieto


Source: Featured artist Marcos DK Prieto This week we focus on the work of Marcos DK Prieto, digital artist and fantasy writer. You can find his Web site ‘Un Paseo por los sueños’ (A walk through dreams) here. Source of photo: His Facebook fan page can be found here And he writes a blog […]


Secrets of blockbuster FX (video)


Secrets of blockbuster FX I admit that I can’t just watch a video or a movie without trying to figure out how the effect was created. And, I may not be the first to write this, but it is true that the best VFX are the ones you don’t notice. I would also add that […]


Spring Has Sprung – 3D Fun


Source: Spring Has Sprung – 3D Fun Spring has finally arrived in some parts of the world. So perhaps we can be forgiven for thinking of getting outside. There are some flower models and magical beasts on offer, and a few tutorials on how to create landscapes, grassy areas or a fake lake. Daz3D To […]