Archive | 3D artists


Without Good Textures, no Mercy!


Without Good Textures, no Mercy! Deco Lobby                                                                                                                        (image courtesy of DAZ) Textures? For more than a year now, there been a huge change in the way we design things for 3D… In the past, things were simple. When you wanted to do a texture for your character or your prop, you only had to […]


Now Import 3D Animation Into Photoshop CC

1 From a post on the Gamasutra website (the Art and Business of Making Games), I learned that we can now “Import 3D animated characters into Photoshop CC”. Source image: This service is provided in collaboration with the animation company Mixamo. Source image: The Mixamo website explains that: “With Mixamo, Photoshop CC 2014 […]


Free 3D Models


Free 3D Models: As written on one of the Dreamlight 3D webpages, Creativity does not fit in a box. At times we need a little help in the way of some free 3d models, to get the creative juices flowing. Maybe all we need is a new background to spark a new story line to […]


3D Scenes From ‘Under The Sea’


Source image: ‘Under the sea’ is a virtual tour created for Scottish Natural Heritage by film and video company Bruizer Films, based in Suffolk, United Kingdom. The underwater scene was created using LightWave and Sculptris. From the Lightwave website, “This underwater scene is so realistic; it’s hard to believe it is actually CG”. And […]


Oculus Rift On The Farm And Out In Space

0 Chris Gayomali on FastCompany writes about the use of Oculus Rift in journalism, where the Des Moins Register, Iowa, USA, is using virtual reality and the Oculus Rift to reach out to its readers in a five-part interactive story ‘Harvest of Change’. Gayomall writes, “When you put on the Rift, you are beamed into […]


3D Animation Using Daz3D And Lightwave

7 This time I thought we’d take a look at the Daz3D products for animating your CG characters. AniMate As the name suggests AniMate is geared to helping you create movement for your Daz3D characters. You can also choose from many blocked animation options that will make the task of moving your characters around a […]


Add Sizzle & Pop To Your Renders – Free and Low Cost Photoshop Actions


Abstract Photoshop Actions Here is a selection of renders and photoshop actions that you can use to add that something extra to your renders. We’ve got something from these naturally inspired foliage renders to explosives and watercolor effects. Remember to check that what you are wanting to download is compatible with your computer and the […]