DAZ Studio


I´ve been using DAZ Studio since the early beta versions back in 2005. SInce then, I has matured and grown into a great application with lots of features and speed. What I like the most about this software, is the wonderful team of people behind it. They are truly dedicated to making it great. Another […]

What is 3D graphics anyway?


When we paint in a 2D painting program, such as Photoshop or The Gimp, we paint directly on a rectangular area that has width and height. Similar to painting an oil-painting on a canvas. It´s called 2 Dimentional (2D), because of the two dimentions used, width and height. 3D graphics is different. It adds another […]

What is 3D graphics anyway?


When we paint in a 2D painting program, such as Photoshop or The Gimp, we paint directly on a rectangular area that has width and height. Similar to painting an oil-painting on a canvas. It´s called 2 Dimentional (2D), because of the two dimentions used, width and height. 3D graphics is different. It adds another […]

How to light outdoor scenes


You may think that outdoor lighting is more difficult than indoor lighting. I would actually say it´s the other way. Outdoor lighting is much more simple to achieve! Let´s pretend you´re a photographer and go out a sunny day with a digital still camera. Yeah, you got that right – you can´t move the light! […]