Iray Super HDRI For HOT Outdoor Female Renders If you’ve been trying to create nice looking outdoor female renders in DAZ Studio using HDRI maps, then you’ve probably ran into one or two issues: – Renders look way too dark in the shadows, creating very high contrast, which is not something females like (or look […]
“How Do I Do That In Photoshop”?
0How Do I Do “That” In Photoshop? We’ve all done it… Tried to do that specific thing in Photoshop. Can be as simple as opening a specific window, or using a function. Or just doing that something that sounds so easy, but yet–ends up in frustration minutes and even hours later. Most of us 3D […]
[Video Review] Is Stonemason’s Streets Of Morocco Worth It?
0[Video Review] Is Stonemason’s Streets Of Morocco Worth It? In today’s quick video review, we’re taking a look at Stonemason’s new Streets Of Morocco prop for DAZ Studio, with additional OBJ format included as well as the possibility to export from DAZ Studio to other popular formats for use in virtually any 3D software. […]
The Secret To Great Fashion Renders
0The Secret To Great Fashion Renders So, you’re posing your favorite character in a studio setting, and you’re hoping to get a cool looking fashion scene. If you’re like most artists, you’ll most likely get stuck with lighting. Sure, there’s plenty of cool HDR backgrounds you can use in DAZ Studio with the Iray render […]
Save Money, Speed Up Rendering + Get Maximum Creativity
0Save Money, Speed Up Rendering + Get Maximum Creativity Most artists spend a lot of money on new props. With new props emerging each day, it’s hard not to. We artsits love diversity. But, what if there was a way to actually get the cookie, without the side effects? There is such a way, more […]
5 Dirty Secrets To Hot b/w Female 3D Renders
05 Dirty Secrets To Hot b/w Female 3D Renders When it comes to creating stunning, gorgeous and beautiful black & white female renders, there’s a few things that will either make or break your 3D art. With my background as a professional camera man for 15+ years, travelling California and Europe, capturing hundreds of real […]
The Secret To Dramatic Light
0The Secret To Dramatic Light If there’s any secret to 3D light, then it starts with something bright. Don’t be afraid to go way outside the RGB limits. Amplify your light, and make it extremely strong. In order for your image to survive this strong light effect, it can be a good idea to position […]
Take A Peek Inside The New 3D Art FaceBook Group
1Take A Peek Inside The New 3D Art FaceBook Group A few days ago, I’ve opened a new closed FaceBook group: “Create Amazing 3D Art With Ease”, for new and intermediate 3D artists. It’a already surpassed 650+ members, and it’s growing fast! See how our creative members are interacting, posting their renders and exchanging knowledge, […]
Are you as lazy as I am?
1Are you as lazy as I am? If yes, then, you will love this!! Setting lights and testing them in Iray can really be pain…… Well, summer is here! In fact, going to tab, set, test, go back again, change tab…is just a huge waste of time! With the improvements in the drawing tab in DAZ […]
Old Fashioned?
0Old Fashioned? (Image courtesy of DAZ) Well, I do not know about you, but, I have always loved black and white images… Done properly, they can express far more than color images… and there is always something in them that drives your imagination … I know I did a few quick renders in black and white a few weeks […]