3D Light Headache? Become a Light Master!

Are you still using trial and error to light your images?

Through my training and coaching experience, I’ve come to know lots of artists, and I have to say that most of them are frustrated when it comes to lighting…

Why is lighting so difficult?

First of all, it’s not difficult. It’s just very complex and has many components.
I’ve actually discovered, that you don’t need to learn everything… That alone cuts down the frustration a lot…

Second, you only need to learn how and when to mix and match that knowledge…

So basically, you need to know WHAT to learn (what is important) and WHEN and WHY to use it…

Download my new free content packed ebook and discover the “5 hidden steps 2 stunning 3D lighting in any software”:


Keep moving and taking action, it’s what shapes your 3D anyway! 🙂

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