Abstract Photoshop Actions
Here is a selection of renders and photoshop actions that you can use to add that something extra to your renders. We’ve got something from these naturally inspired foliage renders to explosives and watercolor effects.
Remember to check that what you are wanting to download is compatible with your computer and the software you are running.
Free Foliage Renders Pack
There are a total of 12 renders in this download from six models (two angles each). They range in size from 1 000px to 3 000px in height and width.
Each foliage render is rendered at 100dpi making them perfect for web and print design work. Totally un-copyrighted you can use them anywhere. You can find them here: http://designercandies.net/foliage-pack/.
Source image: http://designercandies.net/foliage-pack/
Free Brushes Sets
Photoshop is offering sets of brushes for free. You are warned to check on the use rights before using them for your commercial projects.
Among them is a Vintage Stamp and Seal brush set, a sample is shown in the image.
There are 56 vintage stamps and seals that have been taken from The British Library’s Flickr Stream. All images are free from copyright.
From the website: “The size/resolution of the brushes are quite mixed and may not be as large as some of our other brushes, but either way they’re still a bunch of fun to work with. As with all our resources, they’re 100% restriction free.”
You can find them here: http://designercandies.net/stamp-o-matic/
And, another download includes 16 Explosions, Photoshop Brushes and JPEG images, which you can download from Deviantart here: http://pstutorialsws.deviantart.com/art/16-Photorealistic-Explosion-Brushes-330542057
Source image: http://pstutorialsws.deviantart.com/art/16-Photorealistic-Explosion-Brushes-330542057
Abstract Premium Photoshop Action
This Photoshop action is not free, but it can be downloaded for only US$5.
From the website: “This action will transform your photo into a professional abstract design with only a couple of clicks. Every element is layered so you can create countless different designs!”
Download this action from here http://www.photoshoproadmap.com/Photoshop-blog/amazing-abstract-premium-photoshop-action/
Then, for US$4 you can download …
Watercolor and pencil premium Photoshop Action
Here is Brad Goble’s video on how to use the action:
Under the video you will find the links to free watercolor graphics that you can use with this action. You can also create your own.
Source image: http://www.photoshoproadmap.com/Photoshop-blog/watercolor-pencil-premium-photoshop-action/
Melanie Phillibert
Dreamlight Content Management and Support
PS: Wanna Make your photos and 3D renders POP like never before? Go HERE
Happily sharing how to create great 3D & 2D art in DAZ Studio, Lightwave and Photoshop, Val Cameron, CEO and founder of Dreamlight, has been coaching and mentoring hundreds of thousands of artists since 2005. Bestselling DAZ 3D vendor with over 230+ video tutorials, plug ins and light sets.
The 16 Explosion brushes & jpg’s won’t download 🙁